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In order for a business to be judged using this award criteria, they must first be nominated


Entries for the Celebration of Ethical leadership awards will be reviewed by a panel of judges independent of Better Business Bureau and Fresno State staff.


Judges will review company responses to the questions in the judging criteria. If the company has been the subject of major lawsuits including class action suits or government actions in the past three years, this information must be disclosed as part of the entry.


  • Explain how your commitment to higher standards is applied in your business practice.


  • Briefly explain any programs or training(s) that have helped you and/or your employees foster ethical practices and/or customer service policies.    


  • Submit complimentary feedback from customers, vendors and/or suppliers; or provide an example of an action taken by the business demonstrating service beyond the call of duty.


  • List policies or procedures that are designed to give long-term value to customers and/or vendors.


  • Include examples of marketing, advertising, communications and/or sales practices which reflect an honest representation of what is being offered to customers/clients.


  • Include examples of internal practices that benefit employees and contribute to the overall business efficiency/effectiveness.  


  • If available, provide complimentary letters from trade groups or from within your business industry.


  • Mention of any awards or recognitions by media or community groups. 


We understand that the judges may request a site visit. We agree to host the visit and to facilitate an open and unbiased examination. We also understand that by signing the application, we certify our 
compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations governing our business or industry.

If you have any questions, contact
Cindy Dudley at
or Call: 559.256.6330

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